What Makes Explosion On Little Alchemy

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Explosion in Little Alchemy


Little Alchemy is a fascinating game that allows you to create various elements and compounds by combining different ingredients. One of the most sought-after elements is the Explosion, which can be a tricky one to create. Here is a detailed walkthrough to help you make an Explosion in Little Alchemy effortlessly.

Creating an Explosion

1. Combine Air and Fire: Start by combining the elements Air and Fire, which will create Smoke. 2. Add Earth: Next, add the Earth element to the Smoke. This will result in Dust. 3. Use Energy: Combine the Dust with Energy to create Sparks.

Alternative Method

There is an alternative method to create an Explosion in Little Alchemy: 1. Combine Fire and Air: Similar to the first method, start by combining Fire and Air to form Smoke. 2. Add Spark: Instead of adding Earth, combine Smoke with a Spark to create Fireworks. 3. Combine Fireworks: Finally, combine two Fireworks to create an Explosion.

Additional Combinations

The Explosion element participates in the following additional combinations: * Explosion + Void: Annihilation * Explosion + Lava: Eruption * Explosion + Cloud: Storm * Explosion + Water: Tsunami * Explosion + Life: Mutation


Creating an Explosion in Little Alchemy is straightforward with the right ingredients and combinations. Remember, experimentation is key in this game, so don't be afraid to try different combinations to achieve your desired results. Use the methods outlined in this walkthrough to master the art of alchemy and create a spectacular Explosion in Little Alchemy!