What Does Earthquake Make In Little Alchemy

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Creating an Earthquake in Little Alchemy: A Detailed Walkthrough


Little Alchemy, a captivating puzzle game, offers players the opportunity to experiment with various elements to create an array of objects. One of these remarkable creations is an earthquake, a thrilling phenomenon that simulates the power of nature. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the two distinct methods to craft an earthquake in Little Alchemy, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all.

Method 1: Combining Air and Earth

1. Start by selecting the "Air" element from the available options. 2. Next, choose the "Earth" element and drag it onto the "Air" element. 3. This fusion will result in the creation of a "Dust" element. 4. Once again, drag the "Dust" element onto the "Earth" element. 5. Congratulations! You have successfully crafted an "Earthquake".

Method 2: Combining Water and Rock

1. Begin by selecting the "Water" element. 2. Subsequently, choose the "Rock" element and drag it onto the "Water" element. 3. This combination will generate a "Mud" element. 4. Now, drag the "Mud" element onto the "Rock" element. 5. Marvel at the creation of an "Earthquake" using this alternative method.


Mastering the art of creating earthquakes in Little Alchemy can open up boundless possibilities within the game. Whether you prefer the precise combination of Air and Earth or the versatile combination of Water and Rock, both methods guarantee a satisfying and engaging experience. Unleash your creativity, experiment with different elements, and delve into the fascinating world of Little Alchemy. Embrace the power of nature and witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of earthquakes within the confines of this captivating virtual environment.