Little Alchemy 560 Combinacoes

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Little Alchemy: A Comprehensive Guide to Element Combinations

Unlock the Secrets of Little Alchemy with IGN's Cheats Guide

Are you stuck and need some assistance in Little Alchemy? IGN's comprehensive Little Alchemy Cheats guide has got you covered! With an extensive list of over 500 Little Alchemy ingredients and elements, you'll have all the necessary information to create any element you desire.

Unlock the Pokki Version's Bountiful Combinations

The Pokki version of Little Alchemy boasts an impressive 590 combinations, including additional candy elements. Our guide provides detailed instructions on how to combine these ingredients to create new and exciting elements.

Step-by-Step Walkthroughs for Every Element

Our walkthroughs offer clear, step-by-step guidance on the shortest path to creating each element. From the basic elements of air, water, fire, and earth to complex creations like gold, diamond, and even the dreaded Kraken, our guide will lead you through every combination.

Complete Cheats List for Pokki and Desktop Versions

Our cheats list features all 27 Pokki Candy Cheats and the elusive 9 Hidden Gems. Whether you're playing the desktop or Pokki version, we've got the cheats you need to unlock all the secrets of Little Alchemy.

Comprehensive List of All Combinations

For your convenience, we've compiled an alphabetical list of all 550 possible combinations in Little Alchemy. This comprehensive guide will serve as a handy reference for all your element-crafting needs.